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Search Results for "EMA director hopes for “multiple" vaccines by 2021"
EMA director hopes for “multiple" vaccines by 2021
EMA: Development and authorisation of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in the EU
EU expects to authorize Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in December
How are vaccines approved in the European Union?
Coronavirus vaccine gets 'conditional' green light across the EU
Interview with Emer Cooke, executive director of the European Medicines Agency | Health Care Summit
EMA gives AstraZeneca vaccine the thumbs us and finds no specific risks linked to age or gender
EFPIA members' efforts against COVID-19: Roche
Would you get your COVID-19 vaccine for $1 million dollars? Ohio health officials hope so
The FIP CEO Intreviews … Emer Cooke
Will COVID-19 vaccines be safe?
Russia's Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine faces questions and hurdles overseas